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Exposing The Tricks They Use To Weaken Your Manhood

The shocking truth behind the blatant lies and conspiracies that are KEEPING MEN LIKE YOU...
Overweight...Under-muscled...Underpaid...Low-Libidoed...And Unfufilled With Your Life...

And...more importantly...How To Fight Back and reclaim what is rightfully yours...


You Were Meant For Something Great...
Ancient Societies Knew and Understood This

You Were Meant To Have The Body of A Greek God

You have been told your whole life that man was made in "God's Image." Ancient societies believed "God's Image" meant a solid, muscled, low-fat body. Solid slabs of muscle strapped to a sturdy frame. So why are so many men today so far from this "God-like" ideal? So fat?

The answer may surprise you... 


Your rightful state is that of abundance. However...Certain forces conspire to keep it from you...

You Were Meant To Have Abundance

No matter the religion (or no religion) you follow...certainly the following rings true...
And God will generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others. 2 Corinthians 9:8

So.. what is stopping you from collecting all of these "generous provisions"?

Jesus gave the key when he said... "Ask, and it will be given to you; search, and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." Matthew 7:7

But, this takes persistence... but you feel drained and impatient...and what's worse is that you have been PROGRAMMED to feel this way to keep you from seeking what is rightfully yours...


A Fully Developed Man Has Full Access to A Deep, Fulfilling, Intimate Relationship

You Deserve To Have Loving Relations

Having strapping muscle and abundant wealth is great... But if you are missing out on quality intimate will all be worthless.

There are forces in the world trying to negate the power of Romantic Relationships. They are trying to zap Man's potent power...

They want you to have low sex desire for romance and relationships. They accomplish this in the most diabolical of ways... have the power to reclaim this most masculine trait...there is one thing you can do to improve this...and all other areas in your life that will make you...


The Vital Life Force They Are Destroying

Almost every culture has a name for it...

The life force of every man...

In ancient Chinese texts it is called CHI...

In India... PRANNA

In Western Culture... it is often referred to as a Man's Energy

When you see a high performing man who is full of this energy you witness

☑️ Easy decision making in high-stakes situations
☑️ Ease of talking to and flirting with women
☑️ Untamed strength in the gym
☑️ Unmatched performance in the boardroom...and the bedroom


How do some men seem to have this natural abundance of "Energy"...while you struggle?

You might have been led to believe that this is just natural...there are born "Winners" and "Losers"

The TRUTH however...

is a little more sinister... 


The enemy trying to stop true men from developing their potential

The Real Enemies Sapping Your Manhood

There are many great advances of modern civilization (clean water, access to resources, life-saving treatments.)

But- despite all of these benefits, modern society has created some scary disturbances...

Particularly in the lives of The Modern Male...

These trends have come together to create men that are weak, poor, and without drive.

The results of all of this have left men just like you wondering...

"How can this be what being a man is?" and

"There has to be more to being a man than this."

Consider some of the lifestyle differences of previous men and contemporary men...


Sun makes you feel like a man

Man Was Meant to Be in The Sun

Sunlight used to be a natural part of daily life for men.

Sunlight exposure:

✔️ Provides Vitamin D (a precursor to testosterone production)

✔️ Decreases stress

✔️ Creates a tan that highlights a muscular physique (seduction)


Image Description

...NOT Indoors All Day

Being inside of an office all day can cut a man off from his most potent "manly" resources.

Some testosterone zappers of the office include:

❌ Fluorescent lighting (No Vitamin D - No Testosterone)
❌ High stress (terrible for Testosterone level)
❌ Sitting all day (bad for body, posture, health)

Your Diet Is Making You A Wuss

Before the invention of modern processed like you had to go out and hunt and fish for food...

Not only was this good for their bodies, but it also contributed to the proper cycling of a man's testosterone...

Nutrition And Testosterone Cycling


Testosterone Needed

Testosterone is needed for motivation to go out and hunt for animals.

Testosterone Created

The needed testosterone is created in the body from key testosterone building blocks.

Animal Consumed

The animal is killed and consumed. The potent testosterone building blocks are returned to start the process over.

Testosterone-Fueled Diet of Your Ancestors

Nutrients That Support Testosterone

Now considered an aphrodisiac, shellfish like oysters contain plenty of Zinc (A necessary mineral for testosterone production.) 

Wild Game

Game meat is high in D- Aspartic acid. This amino acid has been suggested by research to increase testosterone production by over 45%.

 Fish and Seafood

Wild caught fish are very high in Magnesium and Vitamin B6. Both of these nutrients are know for their boosting effect on testosterone production.

The Danger of Xenoestrogens

Modern lifestyle create an uphill battle for men like you to maximize their testosterone.

On top of food options, lack of sunlight, and chronic stress you have something much much worse...


These compounds mimic estrogen and are found in countless chemical compounds...

And the scariest part is just how many places these "estrogen" compounds show up...

(and remember, more estrogen in your body means less testosterone...and more woman-like)

Xenoestrogens Are Everywhere

And They Are Killing Your Manhood

Xenoestrogens are in all sorts of plastic. Think of how many times in a day you touch/eat with plastic.

Cleaning Products

Xenoestrogens are in about every cleaning product. If you use dishsoap, laundry detergent, or window cleaner you are exposing yourself daily to xenoestrogens. 


While modern farming brings you an abundance of food, it also brings an abundance of pesticides...and xenoestrogens...

What You Are Missing Out On By Not Optimizing Your Testosterone

Having a lifestyle that supports the optimum production of testosterone leads to:

✔️ Feeling confident and aware in all situations
✔️ Enhanced muscle growth and fat loss
✔️ Gushing libido and improved sex-life
✔️ Sharpened focus 

...and without it you encounter

Lacking a sense of purpose
Trouble finding romantic partners
❌ Less muscle, more fat (soft and weak)
❌ Low libido
❌ Low confidence

Do any of these hit close to home to you?

It's a bummer, for sure.

But, thankfully there is something you can do about it...

Something so easy, you'll wonder why you hadn't started sooner.

But first, I want you to picture your life. Not your life right now, but your life in the near future...


You can become the powerful man you were meant to be

Your Life With High Testosterone

Just imagine for a moment your life once you've optimized it for maximum testosterone production...
What does it look like?

Imagine that:

You're motivated and excited every day to accomplish your goals...
You're excited to get into the gym...and energized to push though workouts...
Hard slabs of muscle straddle your trim frame...
You're more "excited" than you've ever been...and have the libido of a teenager...
You're confident and you ooze raw masculine energy...
Women flock to be with you...
And men secretly want to be like you...   

How To Get All Of This and More

Are you ready to take control of your testosterone? Are you ready to experience the effects that a meaningful improvement in testosterone levels can have on your life?

It's Easy As...

What if I told you there is a simple, natural, and easy to take supplement that has...

6 specially formulated vitamins and minerals for rapid testosterone boosting results...


✔️ Magnesium Plays an important role in testosterone. Also helps promote quality sleep (also vital for testosterone production.)
✔️Zinc Found in aphrodisiac foods, responsible for healthy sperm and many other biologic functions...
✔️ Vitamin D Research suggests that increasing your Vitamin D intake has a positive effect on testosterone levels (must supplement if you get less than 30 minutes of sun a day.)
✔️ Vitamin K1 Helps your body absorb Vitamin D to more efficiently create testosterone.
✔️ Boron A recent study found that men who took 10mg of Boron per week showed a 28% increase in free testosterone and a decrease in estrogen levels.
✔️ Vitamin B6 Essential for more than 100 different functions in your body and vital for the testosterone production process. Vitamin B6 deficiency is linked to lower testosterone levels...

Plus Exotic and Potent Herbs...

✔️ Korean Red Ginseng Extract a well known aphrodisiac...given the alternative name of "Man Root." It is also a libido stimulator which can protect the testes from damage by dioxins...assisting in strong erections.
✔️ Fenugreek Extract this herb is known for its libido-enhancing, testosterone-boosting seeds. It helps to increase your strength, stamina, and vitality. Its anti-oxidant properties help keep harmful free radicals at bay so your body can work efficiently.
✔️ Nettle Leaf Extract binds to SHBG, leaving your testosterone free to circulated your bloodstream and do much more useful things like build muscle and boost your libido.

And to really kick up the effectiveness...

✔️ D-Aspartic Acid research suggests this amino acid could enhance testosterone production by over 45% in a matter of weeks (and there is more of it in this formula than any other on the market.)
✔️ Bioperne derived from black pepper...makes the formula more effective by significantly increasing the bioavailibility of all of the other ingredients...

Why not just take a multivitamin?

While its true that multivitamins do contain a few precursor vitamins and minerals for they also contain ingredients that can counteract the effects.

For instance, when calcium is taken with magnesium it takes precedence during absortion. That means the calcium in your multivitamin is probably blocking the magnesium absorbtion (needed for testosterone.)

Plus- because of the added "aphrodisiac" components of a quality testosterone supplement you get the added benefit of a hightened libido (on top of the boost from testosterone itself.)

Meaning testosterone-specific formulas will have a greater overall effect than standard multivitamins.


There are many testosterone supplements floating around. Almost all of them have some synthetic ingredients (especially those containing B Vitamins, Vitamin C, and Vitamin D.)

You want a testosterone supplement that only contains natural ingredients.

On top of that - many supplements contain testosterone-destroying fillers like Soy and Seed Oils.

Both Soy and Seed Oils contain xenoestrogens...just what you are trying to get rid of!

Stay away from testosterone supplements that contain these harmful fillers!

So, you might be wondering...

Where do you find a testosterone supplement that is natural, contains no estrogenic fillers, and has all the added "libido boosters"?

You can find out soon enough...

But first, you must know that this (or any) testosterone supplement may not be for you...

This might not be for you

Because of the striking effects this supplement can have on your life it should only be used when your are ready invigorate your entire life. If you are unwilling or unready to change it is not recommended to take any sort of testosterone supplement, especially something this potent.

Also, this formula can only magnify your testosterone when a few factors are in place.

For instance:

For Optimum Testosterone Development

  • Can you commit to eating animal products?
    This testosterone supplement will not be a good match for vegans. If you aren't eating eggs, meat, and dairy you already face an uphill battle for testosterone development. You must commit to eating meat for this supplement to work.
  • Are you willing to eat fats?
    Similarly, you must eat fats for proper testosterone development. Fat is needed to absorb many key vitamins and minerals. On top of that, cholesterol is a precursor to testosterone production. Egg yolks, cheese, and dairy are all good sources. And don't worry...eating fat doesn't mean getting fat. Your muscular body will burn these as a fuel source to keep you chiseled.
  • Can you commit to not be lazy?
    This testosterone supplement will not work if you are lazy. You will need to be commit to being active. Resistance training (like weights) is best because of the "push" it has on your hormones. If you aren't currently active don't worry- with your pumping testosterone you'll crave activity. Your desire to work out will increase, as will your ability. If you want to be lazy a testosterone supplement is not what you need. Stick with Netflix.
  • Will you be willing to have frequent sex?
    You must be ready to be intimite...frequently. Frequent sex is absolutely vital for a healthy hormone balance. Not only that, but a high libido will cause a frequent "burning desire." Use it to your advantage, but be cautious... Your stamina might be "too good" and cause your partner(s) to need frequent breaks.
  • Are you willing to take risks like an Alpha?
    You must be willing to take risks. Risk taking behavior is a trait of high testosterone men, always has been. Risk taking behavior will activate testosterone production. Likewise, testosterone will encourage risk taking behavior. But- do not fear... Remember, there is no reward without risk. The life you aspire to will come when you channel fearless risk taking into worthy pursuits. Land that big client, cash that big check, or ask that cutie out. The choices are yours. 

If You Can Benefit From a Testosterone Boost

If you are willing to commit to:

✔️ Eating the right foods (meat, dairy, eggs, etc.)
✔️ Getting sunlight
✔️ Being active (especially lifting weights)
✔️ Making Alpha choices, and taking constructive risks
✔️ Having frequent sex

Then you are the perfect person to benefit from all the positive effects of a proper testosterone supplement. A supplement that is natural, effective, and specifically formulated to boost your Testosterone.

To get exclusive access to this supplement please submit the below request.

This life-changing information must be kept to yourself. If it gets in the hand of weak minds or weak bodies it will cause nothing but problems.

Requesting access means you are not weak in mind or body. In fact, it will be the foundational step of becoming a Top Tier Man. One of the elite 0.05%.

Just fill in your name and email and click "Give Me Access to The Testosterone Boosting Supplement."

Give Me Access to The Testosterone Boosting Supplement

Requesting access to the testosterone supplement means you are willing to commit to:
✔️ Eating proper (meat, dairy, eggs) ✔️ Getting Sun ✔️ Getting strong             
✔️ Taking Risks ✔️ Frequent sex

After you click "Give Me Access to The Testosterone Boosting Supplement"
After you request access to the testosterone boosting supplement you will receive an email with a link. Click the link and you will be directed to a page describing the supplement as well as information about ordering.